As the By-election for vacant positions in the Asa Development Union, ADU holds Saturday, Mr. Innocent Adiele, one of the contestants for the position of President General, has outlined his Agenda for the people of Asa if he is elected.
In a statement released on Monday, Adiele, who is from Omumauzor, Asa North in Ukwa West Local Government Area has said that he would vigorously pursue the motto of ADU, which is, ‘Igwe Bu Ike (Unity Is Strength), stressing that the most important factor in any organisation is unity.
He said he would drive programmes targeted at ensuring that Asa people would benefit as much as possible from educational opportunities that are available in both State and Federal levels, adding that an ICT centre to be located at Obehie is critical factor for the educational advancement of the people of Ukwa West.
His statement reads in part:
“I will commit myself to the growth and development of Asa and it’s people, as my late brother, Dr. Ik Ajuzieogu did. We will make Asa land globally visible by developing a website for ADU.

“We will bring a positive orientation for our young people by developing ICT centre that will train them, and make them competitive.
“We will continue to engage governments at various levels and companies operating in our locality in order to improve on the welfare of our people. We will develop a community mapping that will bring about the needs assessment of such communities that will be brought before government, and fight to include them in the medium term expenditure framework of government.
“We will make ourselves available through a Directorate to be established for handling of complaints from individuals and communities with a view to making faster reconciliation possible.”
Adiele attended Mbano Central School, Umuekechi, Comprehensivei Secondary School, Aba. He studied Accountancy at the Yaba College of Technology, Lagos and Management at the University of Calabar.
He worked with NICON Insurance for many years, and participated in many programmes organised by the Dawn of Life (European Union) and Action Aid Nigeria, an International Non Governmental Organisation, NGO.
I have carefully read in-between the lines of your well though out intentions towards ensuring Asa land/ people are given a face lift and a befitting status, creating a platform through which our youth will be empowered,all these plans are excellent but I’m worried,troubled and also concerned cos there’s no place where the (PWDs) person’s with disabilities are mentioned or does it mean they don’t exist in Asa land or they don’t deserve to be included in the scheme of things.
Rights of persons with Disabilities shouldn’t be an issue that should be swept under the carpet, let inclusivity, fairness, equity and justice be our watchword……
We wait till that day.. pls if elected, don’t forget to carry the youth body of ADu along .. very important.